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3 Wellness Tips for Spring

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Spring officially starts on March 20, but the weather has already started warming up! It’s the perfect time to “Spring clean” your life as you are spring cleaning your home; take time to reflect on the first few months of the year and refocus on any New Year’s resolutions that may have fallen to the side. It’s the perfect time to make your health and wellness a priority! Here are some ways to get healthy and boost your wellness this spring:

  1. Get outside! – The sun is shining more, the weather is warming up, and it is the perfect time to spend time in nature. Whether it’s taking a walk with your dog, riding a bike with your family, or just sitting on your porch to read a book or newspaper, being outdoors helps to boost your spirits and brightens your overall outlook. One reminder though – make sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun while you are outside!
  2. Grab some water! – Drinking more water is incredibly beneficial for your overall health. Spring is the perfect time to focus on your hydration. Aim for a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day to help your body stay hydrated, especially as the weather warms up. You can add some pizzazz to your water by infusing it with lemons, limes, oranges, or other fruit.
  3. Get some rest! – With “Spring forward” falling on March 14th, right before Spring officially starts, focusing on getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night is going to be helpful for your overall quality of life, your ability to concentrate, and your mood. Nighttime is also a great time to treat your skin, so check out some of the products we have at our office that are specifically for use before bed.

Take some time to recommit to your overall health this spring by taking these 3 easy steps to improve your wellness. If you would like advice on what sunscreen or nighttime skincare products to use, give us a call at (432) 756-2773.